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Haivision MCS is growing control room capability and evolving operator workflows with solutions that are easily deployed and fully supported throughout their entire life cycles. Our partners can effectively leverage our collective expertise and technology to further enrich and expand their customer relationships with the control room environment.
Our ideal partner candidates are integrators, value added resellers, contracting partners, and project referrers.
Our high-performance, custom-built video walls tower over the competition in design, functionality, and power.
Companies large and small depend on our video walls and software to be the backbone of their Security Operations Centers, Control Rooms, Network Operations Centers, Brand Management Centers, Social Sentiment Facilities, and collaborative conference room environments.
Your customers throughout the U.S Armed Forces, Civilian agencies, and the Intelligence Community all rely on Haivision video processors in Command Centers, Executive Briefing Rooms, Joint Operations Centers, and Tactical Operations Centers to organize intelligence and allocate resources efficiently.
Your clients working within the Public Sector will find exceptional value and utility using our solutions for state and local agencies, smart city management centers, higher education organizations, and public health initiatives via Network Operations Centers and Cyber Security Control Rooms.
Your customers working with first responders in Public Safety will appreciate the power behind Haivision video wall and processing systems for critical, 24/7 tasks in their Emergency Operations Centers, Fusion Centers, Real Time Crime Centers, 911 Call Centers, and Traffic Management Centers.
Learn more about our partner program today!